Trying to find the best automotive buffer will likely prove to be an extremely frustrating proposition for most of you reading this; and likely this is not the first place you have gone looking either! As I tell my children; get used to being has just begun!
Welcome to the digital age. You are now drowning in a bottomless sea of free information and endless free opinions.
"And all you want is to find the best car buffer so you can have a really shiny car!"
Any session within the hundred or so online forums will be a frustrating experience with opinion after opinion; most of which are nothing more than inexperience people misrepresenting themselves. (not that I have an opinion!)
Unfortunately with this overabundance of bad information, many of you will be making a decision based on partial information at best, and bad information at worst.
Like everywhere else in life; nothing is created equally. This holds true with automotive buffers as it does with anything else.
Isn't that the million dollar question? And if you had that answer, you most likely wouldn't be here. Many of you will struggle to find the perfect automotive buffer for the job. So follow along as I break it down into bite sized pieces and lay the dots out for you to connect based on you and your world.
Random orbital automotive buffers (also called dual-action, or DA
buffers) have been around long enough that most beginners and
professionals now accept that these car buffers are the first point of
entry whether you are trying to wax your car or polish your car.
Considered by everyone to be the safest car buffers due to what is called a free floating spindle/bearing assembly. These dual-action buffers are called dual-action specifically because there are two moving components of the buffing plate or pad. (unlike a high-speed, or rotary polisher that simply spins with a direct drive gear on a single axis point)
Without over-loading with information, the key component that makes these car buffers so safe is the free floating spindle/bearing assembly. This is very different than the rotary, or high-speed car polishers that are notorious for leaving swirl marks, holograms, buffer trails, etc., and burning edges (polishing the paint off any edges on your car due to excessive friction).
Unfortunately many people have grown up under the old-school thinking shown to us by our fathers and the days of those bulky, orbital polishers. Those old-school orbital buffers still exist, but much of the public still associate random orbital buffers with these bulky, outdated car buffers we saw our fathers use.
"Today is a world of modern technology and the age of high performance random orbital car buffers."
And it is very likely that you are hear as a beginner looking to choose a top rated automotive buffer now that you have become part of the "enlightened".
Black & Decker WP900 6-Inch Random Orbit Waxer/Polisher
Darren's Note: This buffer has serious limitations for anything other than car wax applications. If you are actually looking to create a lasting and professional looking shine to your car, this buffer should not be your pick. I get that many of you are so fearful of taking a buffer to your car, but this will buffer will end up being a waste of your money if you have more intentions of simply applying wax to your car.
Griot's Garage 11620Z Orbital Correcting and Wax Kit
Maxshine M21 Pro DA Dual Action Polisher
Griots Garage BOSS G21 Long-Throw Orbital Polisher Deluxe Kit
How do you like the "almost" part?!
It seems everywhere in life you are trying to find the perfect combination. But there is always going to be trade-off's no matter what.
The trade-off with this kit is you will still need some form of detailing clay to decontaminate your paint with, prior to performing any polishing, paint correction, or even waxing. Don't underestimate this part of the process. So this kit is very comprehensive, but still lacks that one critical part of the process.
Like many other areas of life, we often learn after the fact that we have made a decision with partial information. Hopefully I have revealed more information in attempt to help you be a more informed consumer. Hopefully you are now ready to make a decision and take your polishing to the next level. A lot of satisfaction comes when the right motivation meets up with the right tools! So good luck and go make it shine!
P.S. If you find yourself still sitting on the fence and really don't enjoy the painful "science" of review after review, I would simply go with the first Griot's Garage kit. If you have the cash to burn and you really like the feel and appearance of true professionalism, then I would go with the Griot's Garage BOSS kit at the bottom of the reviews. (The ultimate kit)