This Best Car Wax Review is designed to help you cut through the endless maze of advertising and marketing in choosing a quality car wax.
The reality is that the car care industry has most of us chasing our tails endlessly in search of the next "shiny object" that will separate you from your money!
While you might be one of those people looking for excuses to wax your car, most of us just want an easy to use car wax product that will provide good protection along with visual enhancement of our car paint —and without breaking the bank!
But finding the best car wax in today's world of endless choices will often come down to your own personal tastes and the nuances of the specific brand of car wax you ultimately choose.
Very often I am simply asked "What would you do Darren?" So I am going to start with that.
"The best car wax to me is the car wax that makes it onto your car more often, not less often"
In simple terms this has everything to do with the user experience.
I have tried many "great waxes" only to find them so agonizing to actually use, therefore I find I wax my cars much less.
I would rather over-wax my cars (I don't actually believe you can ever over-wax any car) than under-wax my cars.
You will never get all features and benefits in any one single car wax product. For this reason I adopt what I call my systems approach to protection and beautification of your car's paint.
Meguiar's Ultimate Liquid Wax on Amazon
Darren's Note: This wax represents what I call your foundation of protection and beautification. Use this every 4-6 months —or more frequently if your vehicles must endure harsher weather and/or exposed to the elements 24/7 —as your base or foundation of protection.
Meguiar's Ultimate Quik Wax on Amazon
Darren's Note: This wax is what I call your maintenance wax. Super easy to use and will extend the life of the base coat wax and provide that "just waxed look" in a fraction of the time of any traditional wax application.
I literally use this every time I wash my car due to its ease of use. This might be excessive to you, but it works for me.
Like every other area of life, advances in technology, chemistry, and manufacturing have made all our lives better!
Waxing your car is easier than ever and due to so many quality products being available, it is hard to go wrong!
Unfortunately we are also buried in an endless amount of choices all screaming at us through slick marketing and advertising!
Many of you feel like you are chasing your tail....and the car care industry is all too willing to keep the chase going!
Many of you go in search of the best car wax with unrealistic expectations. The best car wax review is not going to help if you do not understand a few very basic and simple facts when it comes to the appearance and protection of your car's paint:
I accept that are those among use who will forever insist on what I call old-school paste car wax. Nothing else will do and therefore I will add these additional wax reviews of car waxes I recommend:
P21s Carnauba Paste Wax on Amazon
Pinnacle Souveran Carnauba Wax on Amazon
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Darren Priest