Just what makes anything the best?
Finding the best degreaser will ultimately be the winning combination of benefits; but only you can decide what that winning combination is going to look like.
As a professional detailer, I have just as many—if not more—requirements than most of you. And like every other area of life, not all degreasers can claim the title of best engine degreaser or best all-purpose degreaser. Every formulation comes with its own set of benefits and compromises:
But that’s only half the equation—and probably not even the most important part.
The better question is: What exactly are you trying to degrease?
If you're like most car owners, your list probably only includes the engine. But the reality is, "degreaser" is just a label—a marketing term used to sell specialty products.
At its core, you're simply looking for a product that can cut through oil and grease. And in basic terms, that could mean many types of cleaners.
Manufacturers use the word degreaser to imply a stronger cleaner than an all-purpose cleaner or a general-use cleaner. And while that’s mostly true, it’s not always true—bringing us back to the key question:
What exactly are you trying to degrease?
I will tell you the (3) types of degreasers I have professional experience with:
Chemical Guys Orange Degreaser on Amazon
Chemical Guys Orange
Simple Green PRO HD Degreaser on Amazon
Simple Green Pro HD – The All-in-One Cleaner & Degreaser
3D Orange Degreaser
I accept that these (3) degreasers might seem a bit confusing under the topic of finding the best degreaser. People will naturally associate a degreaser with engines, machinery, and the like.
If you clicked on any of the links above and read the descriptions you will see a theme between all of the products: they can serve many types of uses- not just cleaning and degreasing engines.
As both a professional detailer and car owner, I love it when a single product can serve many uses.
The products above can actually replace other products you may already have or think you need to get:
The reality is that each of these products can be used to clean virtually every type of material for both the interior and exterior of your car.
I have literally cleaned all the following materials of a car with each of these products:
Darren's Tips: After you decide which type of degreaser represents the best degreaser in your world, begin by reading the manufacturer's labeling and start from there based on what you are trying to clean.
Just know that any of these can be diluted down with tap water to create a "safer" cleaning product. If you find yourself in doubt and you want to test the effectiveness and safety of any product, just test an area in an inconspicuous area; once again, I have used all these products either full-strength or diluted down to clean virtually any material of a car.
You will be surprised at how versatile all these products can be and how many other dedicated products can be eliminated by using only one of the products from above.
I also use any of these products in my home for my cleaning duties around my house.
When it comes to vehicles of any kind you can follow my guide here that can be used for any of the products above and they could represent your starting point:
Versatile & Durable Spray Bottles
If you're using any of my recommended cleaners or degreasers, you'll need reliable sprayer bottles.
Many brands make big claims about their bottles and sprayer heads, often leading people to overpay. While not all sprayers are created equal—some are definitely better than others—the ones I recommend will get the job done without draining your wallet.
Darren's Tip: If you are cleaning any of the following items when working on your car I highly recommend you get a pump chemical sprayer that you can use to dispense the degreaser from:
These specific cleaning tasks will require large amounts of your chosen degreaser and using a pump chemical sprayer will save you a ton of time, along with any hand fatigue due to repeated and prolonged spraying.
Happy detailing!
Darren Priest