Car Adhesive Remover:
There is good, then there is great!

best auto detailing tips tag line

If you own a car, a top rated car adhesive remover will eventually be a must!

Life is a jungle and very few areas of life is this more true than out on the public roads!

And finding a quality car adhesive remover is not going to be an "if" moment, but "when" moment.

There is not a moment of life out on the public roads that some form of construction is not taking place, and eventually you will require a quality tar and adhesive remover for your car.

But a quality automotive adhesive remover can serve many purposes when it comes to your car and detailing.

Professional Grade Here!

Like every other area of cosmetic car care, not all products are created equal, and many times as a professional, I find the winning combination in a product outside of my own industry of detailing.

car adhesive remover

When it comes to detailing cars and performing at the professional level, you are required to become an expert in so many other areas that most people don't naturally associate with car detailing.

Removing decals, car emblems, road tar, chewing gum, etc. are areas of detailing that require additional areas of expertise.

"Darren why Rapid Remover and Not a Traditional Car Adhesive Remover?"

Glad you asked!

I have been using Rapid Remover as my "go-to" car adhesive remover for many years. Not only is it far superior than any other traditional car adhesive remover, but I also use this in many other applications of detailing:

  • Road tar remoaval
  • Chewing gum removal
  • Heavy oil/grease stain removal
  • Sticker adhesive removals 

The two products found on this page are not only far better than traditional adhesive removers, but are also far better at breaking down and removing heavy duty oil and grease.

I use either of these produicts extenively for both home and autmotive uses:

  • Pre-spotting oil/grease stains on any type of fabric or material (I even use this on my clothes as a pre-spotter for oil stains -works way better than traditional laundry pre-spotters)
  • Carpeting or fabric upholstery - once agaion, I use this as a pre-spotter for oil and grease stains on virtually any type of proous material.
  • I also use this as a degreaser on any non-porous material -floors, driveways, tile, engines, tire sidewalls (tire dressing build-up) 
rapid remover car adhesive remover

Rapid Remover on Amazon

  • Water soluble; can be rinsed off with plain water
  • Natural ingredients I actually use (selectively like any other adhesive remover) on both interior and exterior detailing tasks
    Because I have tried so many other dedicated automotive adhesive removers and they just don't work as quickly or as easily
  • Not caustic like other tar and adhesive removers can be
  • Effective for all heavy duty grease, road tar, gum, adhesives, and any other cleaning task associated with grease/oil/adhesive based duties

Darren's Tip: When ever I come across an oil or grease mark, I do the following:

  • Spray just enough of this on the spot and allow to dwell for about 30 seconds.
  • Scrub with a tooth brush or other brush that is appropriate for the moment
  • Blot up as much of the unwanted "stuff" and then shampoo or clean the area like you would normally
  • If using on an area (like a car engine) where I can rinse with water, I will just allow the product to sit and dwell until I can see it is breaking down the oil/grease, and then I rinse it with water. If you need to do repeat applications then just repeat until you have achieved desired results) 

Darren's Professional Tips

best car adhesive remover

I have used many of the commercial and retail car adhesive removers for decades. I have also tried many of the retail tar and adhesive removers with much dissatisfaction!

Not until I was doing work for a local sign company did I find out about this amazing product called Rapid remover.

Due to it's amazing abilities, I soon started experimenting with what is called off-label use of this product. (just as it sounds, using products in ways not part of product labeling)

Since then I have come to the conclusion that this product can replace or be used in place off other types of cleaners, degreasers, tar removers, and the like.

Car Pro TarX:
Car adhesive remover

carpro tarx adhesive remover

CarPro TarX on Amazon

  • A dedicated car adhesive remover from the world of professional auto detailing
  • effective for all things adhesive, tar, gum, grease, oil removal
  • More expensive than the Rapid Remover adhesive remover, but some people like industry dedicated products
  • From a very trusted name in professional detailing products
  • Way more effective than any traditional degreaser

Darren's Tips to Using Car Adhesive Removers

  • I use it to remove all types of road tar on the exterior of a car. Simply spray, allow to dwell about 30-60 seconds for the product to begin to break down the unwanted substance, and begin to wipe with microfiber cloth
  • I use on car engines where the grease is especially thick (this product is flammable like many other products, so use on cool engines)
  • I use whenever I need to remove a car decal adhesive (you must remove shiny or top layer first)
  • I use this product on interior materials as an excellent spot cleaner for oil, grease, and gum type of stains (I have used on carpeting, velour, fabric, some leather, plastic, etc.)
  • Also works perfectly to remove chewing gum on both interior and exterior (I remove the as much of the gum itself before applying this so I am simply trying to remove the gum residue, versus trying to dissolve a huge piece of gum)
  • I also use around my house to clean any heavy duty grease/oil based stains

Pay "Car Adhesive Remover" Forward!

Choosing the right car adhesive remover makes all the difference between a quick, hassle-free job and a frustrating mess.

Whether you're dealing with badge residue, sticker glue, or years of old tire dressing build-up, using the right product and technique will save time and aggravation!

Now that you have the best tips and recommendations, you're ready to tackle any sticky situation with confidence. Want professional results? Follow the steps outlined here, and you'll get a flawless finish every time!

I bet you know of at least one other person than can benefit from the information I have taken much time to put together on this page. If not, simply post to your favorite social media site and pay it forward!

And don't forget to check out my YouTube channel for additional video tutorials. The subscribe button is at the top and bottom of most pages!


Darren Priest

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